by default, wordpress puts posts on the front page
http://codex.wordpress.org/Writing_Postsnot pages
http://codex.wordpress.org/Pagessince you deleted the default “Hello World” post, you see what you have now
you can make a post and then it will be added to front page
you can create a page and assign that to be your static home page
dashboard – settings – readingyou will need to then create an empty page titled “Blog” (or whatever you want) – save it – then assign that as your posts page
dashboard – settings – reading -
‘Home’ is just a tab to go back to whatever page is set as your front page.
By default, it’s your posts page, your new posts will go to that page
If you want to change the page to a static one rather than your posts, make the page and set it as static in settings->reading